I am a big fan of clean design and this reading light has that in spades.

The overall design is nicely compact, so it can easily fit in your pocket or bag. The 3 buttons are distinct and easy to find, especially since they are in a slight recess and the power button is the largest. It’s possible to use this by memory and touch.

I’m overjoyed at the quality of the light, which this product makes better by providing reasonable brightness levels for most conditions and the ability to change color temp. This is fantastic for the late-night reader in bed due to the yellow light. However, adjusting to the white or daylight temps can make this an equally useful flashlight or kickstand light in a pinch.

Perhaps the weakest link in the product is the clip, which is half metal and half plastic. I’m not sure why they didn’t just make the whole part of metal, but it probably came down to manufacturing costs. Nevertheless, this is an incredible light for a reasonable price.

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